John is a highly motivated individual who strives to live each day to the fullest.
Born and raised in the Bronx, New York, John attended St. Joseph's College in Maine, earning a B.A. in Business Management and Marketing. He studied Human Behavioral Science at Fordham University and the University of Bridgeport and recently completed the nationally recognized Coaches Training Institute program. He has also attended numerous workshops throughout his career in an effort to understand what makes people tick. A lifelong admirer and follower of Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hahn and his teachings, John practices a daily ritual of meditation and mindfulness.
John is an accomplished business executive with over 35 years of management positions in sales and manufacturing. He has traveled extensively throughout the United States, Asia, and Europe where he further honed his skill of connecting with people. He is grateful to say that he has worked with some of the most professional and accomplished men and women.

A proud and devoted husband John has been married to Janice for over 20 years. They count each day they are together as a gift. It is very common to hear John happily say "the wife and I have been married for 7,121 days". Janice, an accomplished artist and loving mother and grandmother, has taught John a great deal about living in the moment and unconditional love. A fierce competitor and accomplished collegiate athlete, he still indulges his passion as an endurance athlete in cycling and running. John and Janice have three children and five grandchildren who bring them much pride and joy.

John is committed and dedicated to being one of the finest Life Coaches in today's times. He is honored when people choose him to be their coach. Always compassionate and focused, he will insure that his clients are directed to their life's objectives. John will play until the whistle blows. This coach never gives up and won't leave your side until you have achieved your goals.
John and Janice currently reside on Bald Head Island, North Carolina with their three dogs, two cats, and an African grey parrot.

Mike's Story
About The Coach
High Top Coaching is dedicated to my best friend Mike. He taught me there are 1440 minutes in every day and not to waste any one of them. That is High Top Coaching.
I was very fortunate that after my college days I was jumped started into a business career that allowed me to travel the world. I was in executive leadership and mentoring positions over the past 35 years. I indulged my passion of sports and enjoyed my grandchildren and married the love of my life over 20 years ago. Eight years ago that gratifying and comfortable existence was rocked to the core by a phone call.
I was pulled out of an important meeting to take a call from my best friend Mike. He had never asked that I be interrupted when in a business meeting so I knew something big was up.
I picked up the phone and said "Hey man, I’m here, is all okay?"
“Hey Alex, do you have some privacy?” he asked. “I need to share something with you."
"Sure", I said, "Hold on while I close my office door.”
I sat at my desk, bracing myself for bad news about someone in his family. “I just left my doctor’s office” he said. “I have rectal cancer.”
My world flipped. I was shocked, shaken, and in disbelief. Mike and I were born and raised in the Bronx and had been best friends since we were two years old. He was my confidant, soul brother, and the one constant I had had my whole life. This kind of stuff does not happen to us. He told me what he knew and I reassured him I would be there and do whatever it takes to help him get through it. I left work and went home and told my wife, Janice. "We will do whatever it takes,” she said, “If it is money he needs we will sell the house. Whatever he needs, just go to him.”

Over the next year and a half I flew to New York regularly. He allowed me to share the last days of his life. We went on trips to the old neighborhood in the Bronx, walked Old Orchard Beach, and celebrated or commiserated over the Yankees. When we were not together we spoke on the phone almost every night around 5:00 PM. We talked for hours on end about the smallest details of our childhood. Mike, with his brilliant writing skills, captured these talks and put our memories on paper. He titled it “Woodlawn” for the neighborhood where we grew up.
On a Sunday morning I got a phone call from his sister that Mike was taken to the hospital. I flew to New York City that afternoon to be with him. For the next three days I sat in a chair in the room and watched my childhood friend live the last days of his life. About 2:00 AM on his last night, as his family slept on chairs and in sleeping bags on the floor, he called out to me. I moved over to him and he looked right into my eyes and said "Alex...55 years... what a waste."
I did not let him say another word. I said "Are you kidding me? How could you say that?!” It made me so angry to think he thought that. I told him that he was a caring son, a devoted brother, a husband and father like no other, and the best friend to me. “Come on Mike,” I said, “I told you through all of this, get up out of that bed, I will take this hit for you. How could you say all that was a waste? My gosh.”
Mike looked at me. Smiled. "Alex, you always were a jerk and never let me finish talking,” he said. “What I meant was that the 55 years went so fast. Alex, make sure you live your life to the fullest every day. Don't take anything for granted. Don't worry so much, and most important, squeeze out moments of joy each and every day. Remember”, he said “There are 1440 minutes in each day. Live each one.” I looked down at him and his words were penetrating my heart and soul. I just nodded my head and said, "Yes pal, I understand, thank you.”
As I sat back in my chair beside him, he said “Hey, Alex, for the last time, one more thing. Whatever day I die, make sure you wear the Black High Top Cons until we meet again."
Since Wednesday, March 12, 2008, I have never–and will never–miss wearing my Black High Top Cons on Wednesday. I strive every day to make him proud of me. Everyone with whom I work, will all come to understand and learn how to do what Mike taught me–to squeeze out every moment of Joy.
Coaching Services
This professional service focuses on developing executive, manager, and employee skills needed to drive and manage change. John will support and assist in building highly motivated and productive teams within your organization. He has the skill to manage challenging and complex situations with a high level of self-awareness.
John has over 30 year's experience working in and with companies on the following:
Identify leaders in the company and evaluate if their individual leadership style coincides with the organization's goals for success
Provide insight into skill development relating to how people in the organization communicate and interact
Create specific measurements for team and individual success
Coach team leaders and members for improved performance and contentment
Teach time management and organizational support
Communication and Listening Skills
Presentation Skills
Sales Training and Development
Customer Service Training
Sensitivity Training
Marketing and Branding
Every company is different and High Top Coaching will develop a custom program to fit the specific goals and objectives to achieve success within your organization.
For business coaching questions or to get started, email John or call 910-200-7219.
Professional services offered in this program focus on issues such as career exploration, career change and personal career development.
Career Exploration
John has worked with many clients in regard to the following scenarios:
High school students preparing for their next stage in life
Identifying goals
Communication skills
Listening skills
Identifying core values
Sensitivity training
Manners and professionalism
How to network
For career exploration coaching questions or to get started, email John or call 910-200-7219.
College and University Graduates Preparing for Their Next Stage in Life
Identifying goals
Identifying core values
How to brand and market oneself
Communication skills
Presentation skills
Listening skills
Manners and professionalism
Financial planning
Life/work balance
For post-graduation career coaching questions or to get started, email John or call 910-200-7219.
Mothers Returning to the Workplace
John has worked with many women who have raised children and supported their families and now is the time for them to re-enter the work place.
The High Top Coaching program offers support in these areas:
Identifying goals
Identifying personal core values
Identifying skills and passion for employment
How to brand and market herself
Communication skills
Presentation skills
Listening skills
Manners and professionalism
Life/work balance
If you are a mother returning to the workplace, email John or call 910-200-7219.
Individuals Seeking a Career Change
The services offered by High Top Coaching are for individuals who feel "stuck" in their present job.
They seek motivation and coaching to reenergize their position within the company or to create a game plan to pursue a different company or career all together.
High Top Coaching offers support in the following areas:
Identify the immediate issues with the individual's job
Identifying core values
Setting new goals and objectives within their current position
Setting goals and objectives to make the next move
How to brand and market oneself
Communication skills
Listening skills
Manners and professionalism
How to network
Life/work balance
Ready for a career change? Email John or call 910-200-7219.
In John's life experiences and coaching, he believes that each person has the wisdom to make good choices and live the life he desires. However, during one's many adventures and stages in life, we can get in a rut, lose our passion, get confused, depressed, and worst of all, compromise our core values.
John will assist you in tapping back into your wisdom and truth. He will get you reacquainted with your core values and be by your side creating your next game plan for a more fulfilled life.
This coaching experience will not be easy. Once your goals and objectives are identified, John will make sure that you accountable.
Email John or call 910-200-7219 to discuss a custom coaching program.
Relationships have the power to truly change lives.
Over John's professional and personal journey, he has witnessed and been involved in some of the most fantastic and vibrant relationships, as well as witnessing some of the most toxic.
He is fascinated by human interaction and is committed as a Coach to support personal, intimate, or business relationships. It is so important to be in harmony with each other. John's coaching model is based on listening to both sides and being a neutral party. John will give insight into a relationship that you can't see for yourself. He will work and design a plan of action that can handle the following:
Conflict Resolution
Listening Skills
Emotional Wellness
Stress Management
The goal is to improve your life by improving your relationships.
Email John or call 910-200-7219.
John is extremely passionate about health and wellness. He has been an athlete his entire life and is currently active in endurance running, cycling, stand up paddle boarding and, most recently, has picked up the sport of competitive croquet. John has mentored many people over the years and supported them in behavioral changes relating to diet, nutrition, and exercise. John's wife, Janice, partners with him in regard to health and wellness. Janice completed a Certificate in Plant Based Nutrition at Cornell University. She is a certified beekeeper and top rate cook, making sure all meals served in their home are consistent in fueling the body with organic and healthy foods.
High Top Coaching offers health and wellness and sport coaching in the following areas:
Identifying your core values regarding health and wellness
Awareness of food choices and diet
Sleep support and its role in health and wellness
Exercise: creating a consistent and long standing game plan for health and enjoyment
Meditation and mindfulness practice
Working on one's own mindset, which is the key to sustainable health and wellness
Mastering your sport: creating habits and goals to achieve success in whatever the sport in which you choose to participate, recreational or competitive
John works with all age groups in this area and coaches in a highly motivated, passionate and accountable format.
Take the first step today. Email John or call 910-200-7219.
There are times in our lives when we need a shift in our perspective to live a meaningful and fulfilled life. We get stuck and lack the motivation to stay on our game plan. John's role as your Coach is to be your support, your mentor, and your guide to make sure you achieve your specific personal or professional goal. John will focus you on specific tasks or objectives, and make you accountable for the changes you want to achieve. He will be by your side to transport you from where you are, to where you want to be. You, as the client, will be heard, questioned, and brought to moments of clarity and awareness.
High Top Coaching offers support and programs in the following areas:

Get In The Game
Want more information or ready to book a session?
Call John at (910) 200-7219
or fill out the contact form & get in the game.