Scott and Kevin

The gentleman on the left is my best friend Scott Davis. When I was in 10th grade, my mother and I moved from Northern NJ to Greenville SC. This was a couple of years after my father had passed away. Quite frankly neither of us, were in a very good place, back then. The culture shock of moving from the NYC area to South Carolina, only contributed to the giant chip (boulder), I had on my shoulder.
Scott had moved to Greenville when he was in grammar school from upstate New York. His father had worked for a Mill that had relocated down south. Scott and I became close friends, and did everything together. Many things I can't mention, but it was the 70's. Scott was a big outdoorsman and taught me an appreciation for nature. We trekked through every river, lake and mountain in northwest South Carolina, and southwest North Carolina. We joke to this day that he almost killed me (on several occasions) climbing cliffs, or diving into unknown waters.
A few years ago, Scott went through a "rough patch." He lost everything, including his job, house, wife, and even his relationship with his kids. One of which, he is pictured with. He admitted to me that a lot of this, was his own fault. The shame of it is that Scott will give the shirt off his back to anyone in need. I offered to help him financially, to save his house, but he was too proud to accept.
We see each other seldom, but speak on the phone from time to time, and it is always like we had just spoke yesterday. He now lives with, and cares for his elderly parents. He would kill me, if he knew I wrote this about him. He is one of the finest human beings I have ever known. I hope someday to find a way, to ease his pain.
John Alexander has become a friend of mine, and has an uncanny knack, of bringing stuff like this out of me. John and my friend Scott are "Big Heart" guys, who I strive to become one day.