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Best Friends (and Sisters) - Cindy and Terri

Cindy and Terri

"As we were growing up as children, I'm sure many of us did not get a long with our siblings. I remember always picking on my sister and arguing with her. But as the years past, one begins to really have that true relationship with their sister/brother. I am so proud to say that my sister, Terri is my best friend.

Why? It is so simple. My sister is such a genuine person and would give the shirt off her back for anyone. She is always smiling and loves to laugh. "She loves the feeling of pure happiness." Her heart is the size of Texas.

She has done an amazing job as a single mom. I have the greatest nephew ever. I am so proud of her career and can not believe the amount of hours she puts into being an awesome chef. Her skills in the kitchen are untouchable.

I cherish every moment that we spend together. This really came to realization when I almost lost her 6 years ago. We had to fight to keep her alive. I am the luckiest sister because she is so healthy today.

I could go on about my sister, but she truly is my 'best friend'"


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